Saturday, June 30, 2007


Welcome to our new blog! We have been meaning to set this up for a while, but haven't had much time lately. We hope to keep everyone updated on our life and ministry here in Pretoria through this site.

We just got back from the JWC and we had a great time! Many new students came and at least 25 students from all 4 campuses said they came to Christ for the first time! There were about 80 students that came from TUKS and we enjoyed the time we got to spend with them. We are trusting that the intimate, spiritual conversations we had at the JWC will impact the kingdom and the campus. We got to give a seminar on dating, which we really enjoyed! We talked about the 'culture around us' and what it has to say about dating, then compared it to the 'new culture' that the Bible teaches. It is a radical difference and many students had questions about how to date in this new culture. We really enjoyed working together on this, which has brought us closer to the Lord and to each other. We also got to experience the Lord using us in men and women's lives, prayerfully impacting their dating relationships and ultimately their future marriages. To the right is a picture of the TUKS staff, students, and CCP at the Joint Winter Conference.

As for us, this month has been really busy! Now, we are enjoying a short, but much needed holiday. The entire UP staff team had the privledge of getting away for the night at resort in Pretoria North. We were excited when the rooms had heaters and cable TV! We head off to Johannesburg on Sunday to begin our staff training and fellowship time (about a week) before the students return from their winter break. The speaker will be Clint Watson, Director of CO Atlanta and was the speaker at the JWC. He will be speaking on health in all areas of life, physical, mental, spiritual, in ministry, etc. We are really looking forward to this time of teaching and fellowship!

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