Friday, September 14, 2007

Life is busy!

We have been very busy around our house...completing renovations on our current house to put it up for sale, preparing for our annual Summer Training Camp, continuing our relationships with students, fighting the beginnings of the summer heat with our fans, helping to prepare new staff to come to the campus in Pretoria next year, etc. Below are some pictures of what has been going on lately...

Pictured on the left: Haley with some girls in Jasmyn on the night of their first year dinee (pronounced din- ier). The the guys' and girls' residence halls have a dinee for every year in university (first, second, third, and fourth). The dinee involves dinner and dancing at a formal venue. Everyone looked stunning in their dresses! L to R: Christine, Heleen, Haley, Corali, Retha, Lauren

Pictured on the right: This is a picture of our new staff team for 2008. Cory and Leslie Thompson will be moving back at the end of the year to pursue other things. They will be dearly missed by us all in South Africa! But we do get 3 new South African additions to our team...Sammy, One, and Stephan. We are very thankful that the Lord has moved them in this direction. Now Paul won't be the only staff guy in Pretoria! L to R: Sammy, Cory, One, Leslie, Raquel, Jackie, Charity, Paul, and Haley (Stephan not pictured, he was taking a test!)

Haley has also started to lead 2 girls in a Bible Study. Amby and Zinzi just became Christians this year and they are eager to grow in their walk with God. And Haley has been encouraged by their hunger for God and to share that with others! Please pray for them as they just begin their journey with the Lord. (Pictures to come soon!)

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